User-Session Integrity
Veridium’s Continuous Authentication enhances user session integrity by implementing device-to-session binding, ensuring that each session is uniquely tied to the specific device being used.

Continuous Authentication through
User-to-Device and Device-to-Session Binding
Veridium’s Solution continuously verifies the identity of the user throughout their session, preventing unauthorized access even after the initial login. By binding the device to the session, any attempt to hijack or misuse the session from a different device is instantly flagged and blocked. This method leverages advanced biometrics and AI-driven analytics to monitor device interactions and user behavior in real time, providing a robust defense against security breaches.
Accelerate Continuous Authentication

Become phishing and Hijacking resistant
in one Solution

Bring Zero Trust
to your
Security Posture

Secure against Hijacking
Enhancing Security through Device-to-Session Binding
Our Platform fortifies user session integrity by employing device-to-session binding, which ensures each session is uniquely linked to the specific device being used. This method continuously verifies the user’s identity throughout the session, preventing unauthorized access even after the initial login. By securely binding the device to the session, any attempts to hijack or misuse the session from a different device are instantly flagged and blocked. This approach utilizes advanced biometrics and AI-driven analytics to monitor device interactions and user behavior in real time, providing a robust defense against security breaches.

Zero Trust and Identity First Strategies
User-Session Binding in a Zero Trust Strategy
In a Zero Trust strategy, Veridium’s user-device binding is essential to maintaining a secure and resilient digital environment. This strategy requires that every access attempt be thoroughly verified and authenticated, ensuring that only authorized users can access sensitive information and systems. By enforcing strict user-device binding, Veridium ensures that the integrity of each session is upheld, significantly reducing the risk of credential theft and unauthorized access. This continuous validation process supports a dynamic security posture, aligning with Zero Trust principles and prioritizing identity as the primary security perimeter.
See what continuous authentication environments looks like using Veridium.
Why Choose our Identity Assurance Platform?
Our Identity Assurance Platform, with its robust user-session integrity features, not only strengthens your security posture but also enhances the user experience by hardening user sessions even while
they are logged in. By ensuring continuous protection and session integrity, you can improve operational efficiency and ensure that your security policies are enforced consistently.
Digital Sovereignty in Multi-Cloud Environments
Identities are the most sensitive data in an organization; should you entrust all
identities to the cloud?

Repatriation involves returning sensitive data from the cloud back to on-premises systems for enhanced security.