cybersecurity fingerprint iott

How Much Cybersecurity is Enough?

The Weekly Cypher is specially curated to keep you up-to-date on the latest in cybersecurity, biometrics, and related news and innovations. This week’s topics are:

Galaxy Note 8 Skips On Screen Fingerprint Sensors due to Flaw | SlashGear

An increasing amount of evidence suggests that the Galaxy Note 8 will not boast on screen fingerprint sensors, as previously predicted. While the company has been working on the feature, a critical flaw will likely prevent it from being released with their newest product. Aside from concerns of accuracy, the onscreen sensor appears to have a “ghosting” effect, leaving a spot on the screen that’s brighter than other areas. Apple has also faced this challenge in implementing onscreen fingerprint recognition, posing the question of who will perfect it first. [Read More]

Google Wallet Update Brings Fingerprint Recognition | FindBiometrics

Google Wallet’s latest update will have the capacity for fingerprint recognition. As mentioned in Google’s new Android application package, the scanning ability will also come with a change to the existing PIN feature. Rather than having a PIN that is unique to Google Wallet, users will the same PIN for all Google services. Users may even be able to stop using their PIN completely. While this change does bring issues of security to mind, it is presumed that the use of biometric authentication will make up for the absence of the PIN. However, multi factor authentication using biometrics is ideal for optimal security. [Read More]

Bringing Internet-of-Trusted-Things to Access Control |

As mobile and IoT devices increasingly become standard, the way we approach identity technology is shifting. Reliance on the cloud, smart card technology, and smart environments are transforming the way trusted identities are used in regulatory compliance industries. There’s also an increase in the use of multi factor authentication for Internet of Trusted Things devices to boost security. The integration of IoTT devices also creates a more convenient user experience, making processes more seamless and resulting in a more productive workforce. [Read More]

Five Username-Password Combos can Access Ten Percent of IoT Devices | Computing

According to British cyber security company Positive Technologies, just five username and password combinations can access ten percent of IoT products. All the combinations are extremely simple and this convenience leaves millions of devices vulnerable to hacking. The recent hacking attack by the Mirai botnet took advantage of this weakness, infecting IoT devices and using a list of 62 standard passwords to gain access. As hacking events of IoT devices of this nature become more common, simple security measures such as having a strong password can help prevent devices from being easily hacked. [Read More]

Behavioral Biometrics Gaining Popularity | Forbes

Despite their use over the last 100 years, 2017 is considered the breakout year for behavioral biometrics. The trend is due in part because modern behavioral biometric practices can measure details as sensitive as hand tremors and finger movements, heightening security to a level that malware and other means of hacking can’t reproduce. Behavioral biometrics can even measure one’s comfort using an application and provide invaluable feedback to further improve interface design and increase user experience. [Read More]

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